
Project Types

Practical Projects Tailored to Your Needs

Transform your entire organization. Solve an urgent business problem. Or launch a few bots.
With proven results and ROI, The Lab makes any transformation easier—big or small.


Maximize a Merger or Acquisition

Whether you’re acquiring another organization or preparing your own for purchase, maximize the efficiencies, scalability, and value of the merged entity. For 30 years, The Lab has helped executives analyze landscapes, prepare for mergers, integrate acquisitions, and drive board-level strategy via “Super KPIs”.

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Start with a 3-Pack (RPA, AI, Analytics)

Take the “lite” approach to automation or analytics implementation. Go faster by selecting proven automation use cases and analytics dashboards from The Lab’s shopping lists. Ideal for clients who want to start small and expand over time.

  • Install cost-effective automation licensing and architecture
  • Set up centralized governance, Center-of-Excellence capability
  • Rapidly identify, develop, and launch high-value use cases
  • Sustain bots with The Lab’s client-friendly support service
  • Promote success with videos of your initiative’s automations
  • Report benefits with board-ready presentation documentation
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Solve an urgent business problem

Address burning, strategic business issues with precision and speed. From adding scale for acquisitions to responding to rapid supplier-cost increases, The Lab implements targeted work plans—including process improvement, automation, and/or data analytics—to solve your most important issues.

  • Rapidly respond to an urgent, strategic business need or market shift
  • Jump-start a stalled internal initiative with outside expertise, capacity
  • Add productive capacity for change or sudden increased work volume
  • Accelerate department-level business-process improvement objectives
  • Improve performance of a vital process, install E2E automation and AI
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Transform Your Entire Organization

Transform your business incrementally to increase efficiency, effectiveness, margin, and more. The Lab’s two-phased implementation approach makes successful business transformation easier by focusing on proven value, ensuring organizational support, and reducing financial risk for clients.

  • Map business processes to discover data-driven improvements
  • Prioritize automation/AI and process-improvement use cases
  • Implement across all major end-to-end business processes
  • Align staffing levels to actual demand—current and future
  • Generate organization-wide efficiency, effectiveness gains
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