Business Standardization

Standardize your business to unlock the true potential. The Lab’s patented Knowledge Work Standardization® approach reduces waste, increases productivity, and enables the latest digital technologies—RPA, AI/ML, and advanced analytics.

Why Standardize?

Improve Standardization, and You Improve Your Business

An icon representing Customers


From fast food to online investing, customers value a consistent, frictionless, and error-free experience. How do you deliver that to keep up with the competition? Standardization. 

An icon representing Employees


Employees spend 30% or more of their day struggling with rework, corrections, and data transfers. Standardization cuts drudgery and embeds know-how.

An icon representing Data


In a classic case of “garbage in, garbage out” the latest automation, analytics, and AI technologies require large volumes of standard data to reach their potential.  

An icon representing Technology


Existing systems’ features and capabilities are painfully under-used. Meanwhile, new digital automation technologies struggle to find valuable business use cases.

Overlooked Business Value

Find—and Fix—Your Business's Blind Spots

Layers of cognitive biases and misperceptions are hardwired into the human brain, causing costly problems for businesses. But they also offer a valuable improvement opportunity—one that manufacturers overcame long ago by standardizing production and distribution operations. Today, standardizing knowledge work, or white-collar work, presents massive benefits for executives willing to think differently. 


What to Standardize?

Your Most Valuable Knowledge Work Assets

How The Lab Standardizes

Standardization Approach: 4 Repeatable Steps

Standardize to Automate

Standardization: The Prerequisite for Automation, Analytics, and AI

The Lab standardizes knowledge work—end-to-end business processes, “nano-scale” work activities, data architecture, organizational design, and more—to realize benefits from the latest digital technologies.

The best way to appreciate the power of Knowledge Work Standardization® is to see it for yourself. Contact us for a live demo.

For executives seeking performance gains in:

  • Operational efficiency, excellence
  • Data quality
  • Straight-through processing
  • Customer experience (CX)
  • Automated reporting
  • Technology utilization

The Lab delivers tangible assets:

  • End-to-end business process maps
  • Automation, AI use cases
  • Standardization improvements
  • Super KPI™ definitions
  • Competitive benchmarks
  • Future-state process design

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