Transform Your Organization

Transform your business incrementally to increase efficiency, effectiveness, margin, and more. The Lab’s two-phased implementation approach makes successful business transformation easier by focusing on proven value, ensuring organizational support, and reducing financial risk for clients.

The Lab's Knowledge Base: Don't Reinvent the Wheel

Cut Discovery & Transformation Time in Half, with Confidence

  • Are you a tenured CEO who’s ready to think differently? 
  • Are you a new executive that needs a rapid “x-ray” of the business you lead?
  • Improvement efforts lagging because your organization doesn’t have the time?
  • Does your organization need help driving large-scale change?

We understand your business needs. The Lab’s knowledge base and service offering—including proven intelligent automation (RPA, AI), process standardization, and data analytics improvements for your industry—drastically reduces the time to discover and implement the most valuable improvements.

The Lab's Transformation Approach

Two-Phased Project Design: Guarantee Benefits & Reduce Client Risk

An icon representing Phase I: Analysis & Design (6 to 8 Weeks)

Phase I: Analysis & Design (6 to 8 Weeks)

The business equivalent of an X-ray or CT scan, this six-to-eight effort maps major end-to-end business processes, catalogs standardization and automation improvements, and pinpoints financial benefits. The result: an inarguable fact-base of current state operations and a modular transformation road map. 

An icon representing Phase II: Implementation (4 to 10 Months)

Phase II: Implementation (4 to 10 Months)

The Lab’s core business is implementation. In Phase II, we implement process, automation, and analytics improvements to align with strategy and deliver benefits. We reduce client risk with modular work plans and self-funding guarantees. Start anywhere—transform your business at your pace.

Phase I: Process-First Approach

A "Deep Scan" of Your Business in Less Than 8 Weeks

Business processes are the core of any transformation effort.  In Phase I, The Lab rapidly documents current-state processes and compares these to industry best practices: process design, automation use cases, customer experience, technology use, org structure, KPIs, and more.


Phase I: Project Output

Discover & Document Your Organization's Improvement Potential

Phase II: Modular Design

A Modular, Incremental Approach to Business Transformation

Phase I findings are segmented and sequenced into discrete, modular work plans, or “roadmap modules.” This enables steady, incremental implementation gains aligned to your strategic plan—at a pace your organization can support.  

Phase II: Project Output

Implement the Most Valuable Improvements to Generate Benefits

Reduce Risk for Clients: The Lab's Transformation Philosophy

Project Guarantees & Checkpoints Reduce Risk

An icon representing Phase I: Compatibility Checkpoint

Phase I: Compatibility Checkpoint

During the first three weeks, if The Lab discovers that a self-funding improvement case is unavailable, or clients decide to cancel for whatever reason—a full refund of fees is provided.

An icon representing Phase II: Self-Funding Guarantee

Phase II: Self-Funding Guarantee

If an improvement program we implements fails to generate financial benefits equal to our fees in the first year after implementation, The Lab will continue working without charge until it does or refund the difference.

An icon representing Fixed-Price Proposals

Fixed-Price Proposals

The Lab’s proposals are based on our labor costs to deliver clearly defined output (e.g., automations, dashboards, etc.). Scope is collaboratively and frugally designed with client input. 

An icon representing Modular Implementation Work Plans

Modular Implementation Work Plans

The Lab breaks Phase II work plans into discrete modules—each with defined ROI and output—that can be implemented separately to start cautiously, or together to accelerate benefits.

Transformation Benefits

Design and Implement Your Transformation Benefits Case

Where can you get the biggest bang for your buck? What level of savings can you expect? Where should you start? 

The Lab’s Phase I process and data analysis pinpoints benefits to answer these questions. Then, The Lab helps executive project sponsors design and implement transformation roadmaps that produce predictable benefits.

Transformation Benefits

Predictable Results, Guaranteed Benefits for Executives

For three decades, The Lab has successfully implemented transformation initiatives from the Fortune 1,000 down to the local credit union.

Our approach is designed to minimize client risk. The Lab’s guarantee: Financial benefits realized during the first year following implementation will, at minimum, equal the investment in The Lab’s services. If not, we’ll continue working without charge until it does or refund the difference.

The Lab’s projects can pay for themselves in six to eight months and deliver 2x to 5x payback in the first year after implementation.

  • Organization capacity savings…..20% to 35%
  • Revenue productivity gains….……10% to 30%
  • Margin leakage reduction……………5% to 15%
  • Service level improvement…….….20% to 50%

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