Just because “experts” say it, doesn’t mean it’s true.

If you watch the news—or read some stuffy white paper—you’d think that today’s bank staff are terrified of robotic process automation, or RPA.

You’d think they’re fearing for their jobs. Their dignity. Their lives.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

How do we know? We’ve been there. Every day.

Robots make knowledge work more fulfilling.

Robots make banking operations more fulfilling.

First: RPA “bots” don’t steal jobs. They simply turbocharge productivity.

Second: They do all the tedious, repetitive, look-up/copy-and-paste between-different systems drudge work that your knowledge workers hate doing, every day.

Think about that. When you give a knowledge worker a bot, that worker gets to put their education and training to use on higher-value tasks and improving the customer experience. While the bot happily chugs along, copying, pasting, and never getting tired, complaining, or taking a break.

But robots don’t just work “out of the box.”

Fact is, if you want a bot, you’ll need to configure it to your bank’s unique apps, processes, and even keystrokes. And that’s after you’ve identified the
“bot-friendly” use cases where they can best be employed.

Big-name consultancies will tell you that this requires a million dollars, a year or two, off-shoring, and a built from- scratch center of excellence.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

We can—and do—implement bots, in groups or on an à la carte basis, every single day, for clients from the Fortune 500 on down, right from our offices in Houston. We could have your first one up and running in as little as four weeks.

Let us help you find the use cases.

At The Lab, we’ve spent 25-plus years helping clients to capture newfound efficiencies and knowledge-work capacity, using our patented Knowledge Work Standardization™ process. That’s how we identify opportunities for installing RPA for you.

We’ve done the analysis—now we can apply it to your organization. We’ll find the low-hanging fruit that’s readily robot-friendly. We’ll also identify the processes that, with some tweaking, could become massively robot-friendly. And along the way, we’ll spotlight any wasteful processes that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Spread the love.

You’d be amazed at how much today’s knowledge workers love their RPA bots. How much? After we install one, they always ask for more. No kidding.

This grassroots approach to an improved employee experience equates to easy facilitation. Not to mention a viral-like cultural shift in your knowledge workforce, as they all clamor for drudgery-saving bots.


This grassroots approach to an improved employee experience equates to easy facilitation. Not to mention a viral-like cultural shift in your knowledge workforce, as they all clamor for drudgery-saving bots.

Real results. Real fast.

The Lab can get your first banking bot up and running in just weeks. It’s an irresistible offer, made all the more enticing by the fact that you don’t have to force this change on your workforce. Once they see it in action, they’ll be clamoring for more.

Call The Lab at (201) 526-1200 or email info@thelabconsulting.com today for your free, no-obligation 30-minute screen-sharing demo. You’ll love it!

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