March 09, 2016

How New Technology Has the Potential to Expose Corporate Secrets

The excerpt below was taken from an article featured by Fast Company.
Read the full article here.

Until 1933, much of the information in today’s financial statements was only available to insiders. It took an act of Congress that year to compel businesses to disclose their sales, assets, inventories, and profits. More than 80 years later, most executives probably believe they know more about their company than outsiders.

Hundreds of shoebox-sized, orbital satellites regularly photograph store parking lots, mining sites, plant smokestacks, storage depots, and distribution warehouses.

But if that’s the case, it won’t be for much longer. Technology is laying bare an ocean of data and information, and outsiders are piecing it together to develop ever more accurate, up-to-the-minute views of internal business operations. It may not be long before external sources provide faster, more accurate inside information on businesses than internal sources do…

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