The Lab’s Knowledge Base

The Lab has standardized and databased consulting intellectual property to increase our clients' process efficiency benefits and accelerate the delivery of our services.

Don’t rediscover what has already been implemented.
The Lab's Knowledge Base Screenshot
The Lab's Knowledge Base

The Lab's Intellectual Property Knowledge Base contains industry-specific assets.

We’ve successfully cataloged 30-years of real-life process improvement project IP, that has been turned into tools, templates and code, which we deploy to enable predictable and repeatable client engagements with faster ROI-rich outcomes.

Key Performance Indicator Libraries
Preconfigured Analytics Dashboards
Automation Use Cases & Code
Best Practice Process Maps
Standardization & Process Improvements

Lean on The Lab’s Knowledge Base

Ideal for accelerating Automation and Ai in your field.

  • KPIs
  • Dashboards
  • Automation
  • Process
  • Improvement

Key Performance Indicators

Without clearly defined KPIs, and up-to-the-minute data, executives often feel like they are “flying blind”. The Lab maintains over 3,000 standardized KPIs for all major industry practice areas. Get started with 25 “Super KPIs”.

These pinpoint where your organization is making money, measure its productivity, and show where it is leaking margin.
Key Performance Indicators - Lab Knowledge Base screenshot
Key Performance Indicators - Lab Knowledge Base screenshot
Key Performance Indicators - Lab Knowledge Base screenshot

Advanced Analytics & Preconfigured Dashboards

Context is everything when measuring and evaluating performance. The Lab’s standardized dashboards establish context and reporting consistency. Start with simple, summary levels of widely available data, then zero in on the activities that drive productivity, marketing effectiveness, and margin improvement.

Publish these dashboards to mobile devices, automate data updates, and set alerts.
Advanced Analytics & Preconfigured Dashboards - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
Advanced Analytics & Preconfigured Dashboards - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot

Digital Automation, AI Use Cases and Standardized Deployable Code

Today, you can automate what was previously “un-automatable” thanks to Robotic Process Automation and AI. But first you have to discover the use cases. The Lab has done this costly discovery for you.

Browse through our catalogs of standardized bots and system-specific automations detailing technologies connected, labor saved, and new capabilities enabled.
Digital Automation, AI Use Cases and Standardized Deployable Code - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
Digital Automation, AI Use Cases and Standardized Deployable Code - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot

Business Process and Best Practice Future State Workflows

Mapping your organization’s current state business processes is overwhelming and time-consuming, especially without frameworks. The Lab has standardized the essential characteristics, to rapidly create accurate maps of your organization that generate maximum organization buy-in for improvement initiatives: the process name, the level of detail for activities, the rework, the automation use cases, and more.

And we’ve taken processes a step further.

It is challenging to map end-to-end existing processes. It is even harder to design a lean, future state, workflow. So, The Lab developed best practice future state workflows based on what the leading industry innovators have already implemented.

Coordinated with current state business process maps, these future state workflows define a series of best practices that can be implemented to dramatically accelerate your drive to automation and benefits.
Business Process and Best Practice Future State Workflows - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
Business Process and Best Practice Future State Workflows - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
Standardization & Process Improvements

Standardization improvements are the prerequisites for Automation, Analytics, and AI

Non-standard data results in reconciliation issues, costly workarounds, and causes businesses to purchase new “miracle” solutions.

Non-standard business processes generate “not-in-good-order"(NIGO) information, requiring avoidable corrections and rework that impedes automation.

The Lab maintains thousands of task-level standardization improvements with standard, repeatable implementation work plans that rapidly accelerate efficiency improvement.

The Lab's knowledge base contains standardization best practices that include—data intake, business rules, triage & assignment, and more—to reduce NIGO rework and prepare for automation.
Standardization and Process Improvement - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
Standardization and Process Improvement - The Lab Knowledge Base Screenshot
The Lab's Asset Ecosystem

Don't reinvent efficiency improvement when you can rapidly deploy it instead.

All of The Lab's Knowledge Base IP-Assets are interlinked and relational within unique industries and business areas.

Accelerate your business transformation by adopting best practices, KPIs, dashboards, automations, bots, and task-level improvements already used by leading organizations.

Knowledgebase Gear

You can preview The Lab's IP-Knowledge Base in Catalog Extract Format

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